Neurodiversity Pride Day

Neurodiversity Pride Day

Rachel, 29, first thought she might be autistic and have ADHD when she was studying teaching. She's now seeking to be officially diagnosed. She spoke to us about being neurodivergent and queer.

Neurodiversity: Commonly refers to variations in the human brain and cognition, for instance in sociability, learning, attention, mood and other mental functions. SOURCE

Neurodiversity Pride Day featuring Rachel

Can you please tell us about why you’re are seeking to be officially diagnosed as Autistic and potentially ADHD?

I’ve known I was different since I was young. I used to always say that it’s like I wasn’t designed for this planet because everything was really hard.

I first started making connections to autism and ADHD when I was studying to be a teacher. Even my lecturer made points about some of the similarities. I put it off for a long time because whenever I mentioned it to people, they’d say things like “oh you’re fine, everyone’s a little bit autistic”.

My partner has been one of the biggest supporters of me seeking a diagnosis. She has helped me see that this could be beneficial for me and help me to seek out supports that I couldn’t or would struggle to access without a diagnosis.

There’s also the aspect that people still have judgemental views of autism and any difference in society. It wasn’t without constant reminders from my parter that a potential diagnosis of autism does not make me less loveable, or less than anyone else.

Do you think a diagnosis is important?

Whether a diagnosis is important or not in general depends on the person. Some people are more than happy living their life with an imputed diagnosis and some like the diagnosis. Personally, I think I want a diagnosis to access the additional support and as a means of validation.

Can you please tell me when you first heard the term ‘Neurodivergent’ and how you felt it related to your own feelings and experience?

I don’t remember precisely, but it was probably whilst I was studying. After my teaching degree I completed some post graduate studies in teaching children with ASD.

I like the term. There’s nothing wrong with the brain of someone with ASD or ADHD, they’re just different, and different is not synonymous with bad or less than. We live in a world that is designed around a neurotypical brain and that has had a negative impact on how people view neurodiverse people.

I think the world is changing though, we are seeing more sensory sessions at shops and movies and it makes me hopeful that the future generations won’t struggle quite so much.

How do you connect with other Neurodivergent people in the Queer community? Is it important to connect with them? Is it easy to connect with them in Perth?

Honestly, I struggle to connect with anyone because I struggle to initiate and sustain social communication with people. Having said that, I find the queer community is pretty accepting and open to neurodiverse people.

So many people in the queer community have had their own struggles with family, friends and being accepted by society that they come from a place of empathy and understanding.

There are a few different pages and groups of people who are neurodiverse and identify as LGBTQAI+. I haven’t been to any of their events, but I know that there is an organisation called SAGE who run events for individuals diagnosed with Autism.

Neurodiversity Pride Day featuring Rachel
Rachel and her partner, Elisabet

Here are the standard questions we ask all of our guests:

What LGBTQIA+ Events in Perth should we look out for?

I love Pride Fair Day and the Parade (of course)! But I also love Barn Dance in August. I went for the first time last year and as someone who usually hides in the corner of social events, I can confirm that it was incredible!

Are you involved in any LGBTQIA+ organisations or events in Perth? Tell us about them…

I am a part of Perth Pride Choir. We sing at community events both within, and outside the LGBTQIA+ community. It’s been a great way for me to get out and meet people, all whilst having a great time!

What do you think is great about the LGBTQIA+ Community in Perth?

It’s just a really friendly and accepting bunch of people who all want to live their true lives. You can’t really go wring with that!

And what improvements would you like to see for the community here?

In general I would like to see more LGBTQIA+ awareness training for organisations and businesses. For people to feel comfortable asking peoples pronouns for example. People are becoming more aware of these things, but I think they’re scared or worried they will offend or upset someone.

What would you recommend for anyone new to Perth that they must see or do here?

Lucky Chans is great feed! I also love getting out of the city though and enjoy some of the beautiful places in and around the hills.

Lesbian Visibility Week: Kedy

Lesbian Visibility Week: Kedy

Executive Officer for GLBTI Rights in Ageing (GRAI), Kedy Kristal, 67, passionate advocate, long-time volunteer, and supporter of our community and the wider society across many important initiatives.

Meet Kedy:

Hi, I’m Kedy (she/her)

I’ve had the privilege of living and working on Noongar boodjar for over 45 years. I was born and spent my childhood in Aotearoa New Zealand.

I have been working at GRAI since April 2021, first as the training coordinator and now as EO.

GRAI delivers training to the community services sector on LGBTI inclusivity, organises social events for older LGBTI community members and has established the Befriender program as part of the GRAI Village Hub.

Kedy holding a mic giving a presentation

I’ve always identified as a dyke – to me it says, strong political activist.

Can you please tell us how you identify?

I identify as a Dyke, a label not often used in the spectrum. My name is an anagram of dyke.

Are labels helpful and important to you?

Labels can be both useful and pigeonholing. They can signal quickly to others via badges, T- shirt slogans etc a connection, a safe person, they can be inclusive but they can also be used to force conformity and squash individuality.

Do you think disclosing your identity is easier now than when you first came out?

Yes it is since I started delivering LGBTI training sessions in 2020, I’ve had lots of practice.
Outside of work I still have moments of not disclosing, sometimes I just can’t be bothered using the energy required to educate some people.

This week is Lesbian Visibility Week. Do you think visibility is important? Whether in our community and or wider society?

Lesbian visibility is very important, we are everywhere and often heterosexual /cisgendered people just don’t see us. I would love to have more recognition for all those school teacher/principals and hospital matrons, all those women who never married and had careers so many were lesbians as up to the early 70’s all the married heterosexual women had to leave the workforce.. Also recognising that many married women were actually lesbians and it wasn’t until feminism of the 70’s made it possible for them to leave their marriages.

Can you tell us a bit about the things you do that bring that visibility to our community and or to the wider society?
  • 1991-93 – I was the co-editor and producer of The Laughing Medusa a bi monthly lesbian magazine in Perth. We fundraised to produce the magazine as subscriptions weren’t enough.. by running lesbian events/ dances in nightclubs across Perth including Connections and the lesbian Olympics one weekend at Perry Lakes stadium.
  • 1996-97 – Started the Outing Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence in the GLBTIQ community committee
  • 2005 – Chair of Same Sex Domestic Abuse group. Government funded organisation
  • 2017-ongoing – Chair of Standing Shoulder to Shoulder Inc. (Supports women and LGBTI people who have experienced Intimate partner violence)
  • 2019-ongoing – Member of the SHQ (Sexual Health Quarters) GLBTIQ advisory group
  • 2021-ongoing – Member of City of Perth LGBTQIA+ Advisory group

Voluntary positions

  • 1999-ongoing – Justice of the Peace
  • 2008-ongoing – Office of the Inspector of Custodial Services Independent. Prison visitor
  • 2017-ongoing – Court Welfare worker. Perth Magistrates Court

Thinking about our elders and through your work at GRAI, how important is this aspect of their identity?

Many older LGBTI people have been out for most of their life, they may not have been an activist in the public domain but have been part of a LGBTI community and have established a LGBTI family/friends network, as they grow older this network can be reduced and many older LGBTI people become socially isolated and fearful of being forced back into the closet if they require age care in their home or accommodation in a nursing home.

Being visible as a LGBTI person in an environment that is heteronormative and not welcoming to LGBTI people is a traumatic experience for anyone, but is particularly stressful for an older LGBTI person in need of care.

In GRAI's April Newsletter there are a few initiatives to connect our elders with the community. Can you tell us more about those and your newly launched Befriender Program?

GRAI’s Village Hub is led by and for older LGBTI people, offering multidimensional peer support and service development for the community. An LGBTI Elders’ Advisory Group has been established to advise on the Hub activities, and LGBTI Elders will help provide a one-on-one befriending service for vulnerable and isolated individuals.

Befriending is a structured relationship between a befriender and a befriendee that
is initiated and supported by the GRAI Befriender program, as part of the GLBTI Village Hub project.

Befriending relationships aim to be non-judgemental, supportive of the befriendee and confidential. The befriender supports the befriendee to choose how they share their experiences, views, and interests with the befriendee.

Having fun is an important part of the relationship.

Befrienders are carefully matched with a befriendee and visits are usually 1-2 hours, once a week. Visits can be at the befriendee’s home, or at community venues.

For more info about the Befriender Program, how to become a Befriendee or a Befriender read GRAI Matters - April Newsletter.

participants of GRAI's Befriender program posing for a photo
Participants of GRAI's Befriender program posing for a photo

Lastly, what LGBTQIA+ Events in Perth should we look out for?

GRAI & Living Proud WA logos

GRAI and Living Proud will be hosting Better Together: LGBTQIA+ Volunteering

What: An intergenerational event for National Volunteer Week 16-22 May 2022 – Join in some easy volunteering activities and meet like-minded others.

When & Where: Saturday 21 May 10am-12.30pm, at Southcare Hall, 19 Pether Rd, Manning

Guest speakers:

    • Minister Hon Stephen Dawson MLC – Minister for Emergency Services; Innovation and ICT; Medical Research; Volunteering
    • Sarah Collins from Living Proud who will present on a range of great online volunteering options.Morning tea provided

Register your attendance here

Find out more about GRAI:
  • GRAI website - Creating a responsive and inclusive mature age environment that promotes and supports a quality life for older people of diverse sexualities and gender identities.
  • Facebook -
  • Instagram - @graiorg
  • Twitter - @graiorg
Lesbian Visibility Week: Lexie

Lesbian Visibility Week: Lexie

Lexie, 34, is a sexuality educator, counsellor, LGBTQIA+ and sexuality/disability training facilitator, “professional shit talker” (Emcee), musician, and pro-Domme.
Queer Perth spoke to Lexie about performing at Fringe World, being out and proud, lesbian visibility and much more.

Are you open about your sexuality to the world?

I can’t not be! I literally have to come out to people for work every day and train them on LGBTIQA+ inclusivity. I’m very lucky to have a very supportive family and very queer workplaces. When I was teaching it was a little bit of a different story, but I knew I wouldn’t last in a career where I couldn’t be 100% myself.

Do you think telling people you're gay is easier now than when you first came out?

There is so much more language around sexuality now, and I think younger people are becoming a lot more comfortable with fluidity in their identities. Maybe I’m just lucky to be surrounded with woke folk, but I’ve found there’s a bit less fetishism towards lesbians than there was when I first came out.

Lesbian Visibility Day is coming up. Do you think Visibility is important?

Visibility is so important! Visibility builds community, fosters solidarity, allows for conversations, validates identity, and provides role models for those who need them. There’s a lot of diversity within the label of “lesbian” and there’s no “one way” to be a lesbian.

Smash those stereotypes and be whatever type of lesbian you want to be!

We were lucky enough to see you perform in BurLEZque at Perth Fringe World – you’re part was so fun and informative! Please tell us about that, also, what's next?

Yes! All of the writing in BurLEZque is my own, and I’m super proud to be able to perform it in front of our wonderful Fringe crowds. As a troupe we want to entertain and educate; I come from a sexuality and diversity education background so it’s fun to weave it into my love for performing. People learn better when they are laughing and engaged.

We haven’t planned any tours for obvious reasons and we are all pretty busy in our individual lives and careers. We always get so inspired and energised by our shows at Fringe, so we always keep plans in the pipelines! There are a few ideas floating around for next year, you’ll just have to wait and see.

We’ve taken a little break after our fringe season, but we’ll be doing a couple of regional shows this year - for those down south, catch us at Busselton Fringe in May!

Ginger LaMinge wearing a red velvet jacket and performing on stage with red lighting and an outrageous expression.

Here are the standard questions we ask all of our guests:

What LGBTQIA+ Events in Perth should we look out for?

I’m a big fan of Cleo’s Big Gay Cabaret, and I love getting out to see independent queer theatre/film/music/cabaret. Go and see any show by Justin Sider, you’ll be tickled in all the right places. And maybe our beloved Anna Piper Scott will come back from Melbourne and treat us to another show sometime - if that happens, don’t miss it! Drag Queen Story time at Rabble Books in Maylands (Gaylands) is also a very wholesome time.

Are you involved in any other LGBTQIA+ organisations or events in Perth?

Apart from galavanting around spreading the Gay Agenda in BurLEZque, I’ve done a lot of work with Living Proud, and some volunteering at the Freedom Centre and Qlife - amazing organisations! I’ve been an active part of Bunbury Pride for the last couple of years too, it’s great to see more events happening regionally!

What do you think is great about the LGBTQIA+ Community in Perth?

I love that the queers are infiltrating a lot of other spaces now, not just ‘da clubz’. It’s nice to see some more community/social events and LGBTIQA+ awareness in the mainstream.

And what improvements would you like to see for the community here?

I would like there to be a queer French bulldog owners meetup that I can crash, and just lie on the grass doing snow angels (grass angels!?) while a bunch of happy fluff nuggets put their snoots on me. Can we make that happen? I’ll also accept small kittens.

What would you recommend for anyone new to Perth to see or do here?

Sunset fish n chips at South Beach in Freo, boozy bubble tea at Lucky Chans, Riverside Gardens dog park in Bayswater on the weekends, rooftop cinema, the jazz cellar… Perth has some cool little nooks!

International Asexuality Day

International Asexuality Day

Interview: Caroline Elisabeth Cull

Caroline, 27, is a filmmaker, Asexual activist and has her own little online vintage shop to help fund her projects. She told us that she first found the term Asexual after a horrible date and drunkenly googling “why sex bad”.
Queer Perth spoke to Caroline for International Asexual Day on April 6, about what it means to be Asexual, the importance of community and being seen.

Asexual (Ace): Commonly describes someone who experiences little to no sexual attraction.

Find Caroline:

Picture of Caroline smiling shyly, wearing a purple dress, white shawl and standing against a gold shimmering background.

When you first heard the term ‘Asexual’ how did you feel it related to your own feelings and experience?

I first officially found the term Asexual after coming home from a horrible date. After a few too many drinks to drown my sorrows, I got drunk googled “why sex bad” and after a few weird articles and photos I stumbled upon Asexuality.

For the first 25 years of my life I literally thought my vagina was broken. Sex education growing up was basically “abstinence or nothing.” As I also grew up in the church from age 6, I pretty much thought that it was normal until I left and realised just how sheltered I was. Finally finding a label that explained how I was feeling and connected me to others was really amazing.

I do, however, believe that there’s an insane pressure for this generation to know and label everything, most of it rooted in young LGBTQIA+ people I’ve seen first hand – people struggling because as they grew, their gender identity or sexual orientation changed and they felt a sense of dysmorphia.

How open to others are you about being Asexual?

I find that so many people are different with their desire for being open. I find it personally important as a representational activist to declare my label. For me it sheds light on Asexuality and spreads awareness. Some others prefer their privacy though and that’s totally ok! You don’t owe anybody anything.

How do you connect with other Asexual people in the Queer community?

When I first joined the Ace Army™ I found so many resources and content creators. Instagram was super beneficial because all I had to do was search hashtags and there was multitudes of graphics and pictures that explained things like the attraction model, statistics, and a whole bunch of micro-labels. If not for that, I wouldn’t have realised I was Demisexual and also Aromantic!

Are there any regular meet-ups or events where people can catch up IRL with like-minded folks?

It depends where you are in the world. For WA, there’s a few Facebook groups for WA or Perth. You can not only organise meet ups but ask questions, share memes and make new friends! There’s a bunch of discord groups online that chat and game together too. I found this beneficial when I was stuck inside because of Covid.

You're also an Asexual activist - can you tell me about what that involves?

As an Asexual activist, it basically means I’m working my little butt off to make it easier for the community and those who may not know they’re ace just yet. Whether it’s talking to senators and education curriculum advisors about sexual health education in schools, or just making sure that pride organisations are making space and representing Asexuality when they’re holding panels or events.

We’re very excited to hear about the worlds first feature film with Asexual representation that you’re working on - can you please tell us more?

In June 2021, I found myself becoming the marketing producer of an amazing US feature film called Dear Luke, Love, Me. This film is directed by Guillermo Díaz, of Scandal, Weeds, CSI fame. It will be the world’s first feature film with canonical Asexual representation. I managed to help curate a Kickstarter campaign and we ended up raising about US$140,000 (which is just under AU$200,000) all from the ace community and film industry.

I was planning on being there on set but Covid got in the way. I’m hoping once the film is finished with post-production, I’ll be able to make it for the premiere and bring the film over to the Australian festival circuit.

Photo showing Caroline marching in the WA Pride Parade grinning, making the peace sign with her fingers and holding the aromantic flag.

Here are the standard questions we ask all of our guests:

What LGBTQIA+ Events in Perth should we look out for?

If you love nostalgia, and history, there’s a really cool exhibit on the 10th of April called Heritage Perth: Closeted Stories of Long Ago where you can hear stories of older gay men of their coming out in WA, and socialising in the 70s and 80s. It’s always lovely to pay homage to the people that paved the way to our freedom.

Are you involved in any other LGBTQIA+ organisations or events in Perth? 

I’m a member of Pride WA in which they hold regular meetings and discuss everything LGBTQIA+ related in the West Australian community. You can even volunteer and help out if you have the time, and I encourage it! Some of the best people in the world.

What do you think is great about the LGBTQIA+ Community in Perth?

I love how close knit we are. As Perth is very small, you get to know everyone really quickly and it feels like a second family. It’s kind of funny though. It’s the one thing a lot of the gay community complain about here because they already *know* 😉 everyone. I don’t have that problem, obviously.

And what improvements would you like to see for the community here?

I would love to see more inclusion of Asexuality in Pride events. There’s a lot of A-phobia that comes from the LGBTQIA+ community itself. So, if you have an event please consider how it might affect us. I once went to a Pride match-making event, and one of the pre-requisite questions was “Are you a top or a bottom” in which there absolutely no *none of the above* option.

What would you recommend for anyone new to Perth that they must see or do here?

Every time I have a friend visit, I take them to the following places:

  1. The Rainbow Shipping Containers in Freo. Great little picture for the gram!
  2. Connections Nightclub in Northbridge if you’re over 18. They have drag, disco, and theme nights. Just try to avoid A. Wednesday as it’s Lesbian mud wrestling night (unless you want to see boobs) and B. arriving late because it’s a $20 door charge.
  3. The Freedom Centre on Brisbane St. which is a great support centre for anyone under the age of 26. It’s a safe space to hang out, have fun and meet other LGBTQIA+ people.
Trans Day of Visibility

Trans Day of Visibility

Interview: Eddie

March 31st is International Transgender Day of Visibility or Trans Day of Visibility and is a day that “celebrates gender diverse people all around Australia by sharing stories, starting conversations and attending events.”
Clint Woolly spoke to Edward Montague, 23, better known as Eddie, who kindly answered some questions about being a trans man and how he connects with others.

Hi, I’m Eddie. I am originally from Northamptonshire, England and I have lived here 16 years.

I am a very groovy old soul who enjoys dancing to disco with my disco diva, exploring historic architecture, going to gigs, cackling with my gaggle of gays and eating cheese.

I am the one who infamously dislocated my knee at Pride Fairday late last year.

I'm also fundraising for top surgery and would really appreciate your support through GoFundMe.

When you first heard the term that you now identify with, how did you feel it related to your own feelings and experience?

It was a very lengthy journey to discover what felt right and what felt like me. My cousin in the UK is also a trans man and after speaking with him for many years, plus surrounding myself with many trans people, it clicked. I found it particularly hard because I am a very feminine presenting trans man. Not many people understand me because of how I present. I feel it is vital to break down gender stereotypes and the assumption that trans men are not allowed to be fem boys etc.

How does being a trans man relate to your gender identity, sexuality and sex?

It is everything to me. I am a bisexual fem boy. I can’t escape it or hide it. I am completely and utterly a trans man, it relates to everything I am and everything I do. I am reminded all day long, every day by the struggle of my gender dysphoria.

Are labels helpful and important to you?

To me, I find labels helpful to a degree. They are very important to me, but also have their downsides. I find it hard because I have always felt like I don’t really fit into one box or one category. I am in my own little bubble.

How open to others are you about your identity?

I am very open to everyone about who I am. I find it very important to be vocal about who I am so I can help educate those around me on my pronouns and how to refer to me etc. My identity is everything to me and I really have to fight sometimes to feel included or for my place in certain circumstances.

Can you tell us about a recent experience where you didn’t feel your identity was acknowledged?

Oh, I have so many but I'll just pick my main ones...

My biggest advice for anyone who is cisgender in the community is, do not question someone, just carry on with what you’re doing.

I have on many occasions been told “this is the male toilets” or “you’re in the wrong toilet Miss”. These statements have been made by cis gay men at our safe spaces. I know not necessarily any harm was meant in what they were saying, but I think it best to assume that I know exactly what toilet I chose to go into, please just carry on. I have a lot of trouble with things like that.

My biggest recent experiences have been where ex friends or people in the community, who know exactly how I identify, choose to misgender or deadname me on purpose.

Deadname: refers to the name given to the transgender person at birth and or prior to transitioning.

What can we as a community do better?

More education is needed with our community on Trans identities. We deserve respect. It is not hard to just show people respect by not questioning who they are or what they are doing. Just let them be. More representation is needed, more solidarity within our own community is needed too.

In reference to my last point in the previous question, it is NEVER acceptable to purposely misgender or deadname someone because you do not like them. You don’t get to make that decision. You respect people.

Are there any regular meet-ups or events where people can catch up IRL with like-minded folks?

Some of my favourite events to meet similar crowds to me have been:

  • Cherry Bomb at Lucy’s Love Shack.
  • The Live Work Pose Benefit Ball at Connections Nightclub
  • Oddball at Connections Nightclub
  • Perth Gay Social Club events
  • Perth Gaymers events

Also, any night at Lucy’s love Shack, Connections Nightclub, The Bird & Picabar.

I recommend checking out the events, pages and groups on Facebook for the events listed above.

How do you connect with other similar people in the Queer community?

I connect with others usually through social media, meeting them at queer events and Connections Nightclub mostly. I am yet to meet or hang out with someone like me though. Most of my friends are cis men, because I find I relate to them more, I have hung out with mostly men my whole life. It would be nice to meet another camp & feminine presenting trans man with similar interests to me though.

It is very important to me to connect with other people in the community. 95% of the people in my life are queer or allies from queer community events and queer spaces. I find it a little isolating here at times but it is important to stay connected through social media and attending queer events on a regular basis where possible.

Here are the standard questions we ask all of our guests:

What other LGBTQIA+ Events in Perth that we should look out for?

Other than the ones I listed previously, any events involving or ran by Serenity Von Varda, House Of Reign & Spectacles Productions.

Attending local Drag, Burlesque and Performing Arts events in general.

Make sure to follow the socials of:

  • The Rechabite
  • The Ellington Jazz Club
  • The Royale Theatre
  • Connections Nightclub
  • Lucy’s Love Shack
  • The Bird

To stay up-to-date on local events and performances.

Are you involved in any other LGBTQIA+ organisations or events in Perth? 

I actively attend many queer events in the community. You can find me bouncing around (Pre my knee reconstruction) at Connies (Connections Nightclub).

I am always very vocal on socials about queer issues.

Stay tuned in the very near future though, I have some exciting stuff coming up and you'll be hearing a lot more of me.

What do you think is great about the LGBTQIA+ Community in Perth?

I think we are very unique here. We are very lucky in many ways, that it is such a close and tight knit network. We don’t as-a-whole have a very clicky community. Most people are very welcoming and open to chatting and being social with you, when out and about.

I love that I can attend any queer event or turn up to Connections Nightclub on any day and know almost everyone there, including the staff. It makes me feel very safe and at home. That is a very unique experience.

And what improvements would you like to see for the community here?

I wish people were a little more loyal, more open to educating themselves on different identities to their own and were less judgemental.

We, as a community, have already faced many uphill battles to get our rights, respect etc. The least our community can do is show respect and support to one another. Queer spaces are the ONLY safe space for many people, including myself. It is vital that ALL queer people can have their space to thrive and be themselves. If we are turning against each other and pushing people out, that is very dangerous. We don’t know what happens when people go home and what happens behind closed doors. We don’t know what homes people might be going back to. It is so important people have a place they can feel safe to be their authentic selves in.

I do believe we should always hold people accountable for their actions, but I also think it is very important to give people a chance to grow, prove themselves and not blacklist them forever. People can grow and they can change.

What would you recommend for anyone new to Perth that they must see or do here?

Support local performing artists! The performing arts scene here is world class. People really should never sleep on Perth artists. We have produced some of the best musicians out there.

Support resources:

  • Transfolk of WA - A peer support service for transgender people and their loved ones in Western Australia.
  • PFLAG Perth - Helping families and friends understand and support their LGBTI loved ones with knowledge, acceptance, love and pride.
  • Freedom Centre (FC) - helps support young people, families and whole communities to be healthy, happy and informed about diverse sexuality, gender and sex.
  • Perth Innercity Youth Services - Our vision for young people is that they will have the opportunity to make positive choices in their lives and realise their own potential.
  • Trans Day of Visibility - is an annual international celebration of trans pride and awareness, recognising trans and gender diverse experiences and achievements.
Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week

Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week

Interview: Chris

It's Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week and in case you weren't sure, “Aromanticism is a romantic orientation, which most commonly describes people who experience little to no romantic attraction to others.”*
Chris, 39, kindly answered some of our questions about being aromantic and how he connects with others.

  • Aromantic (Aro): Commonly describes someone who experiences little to no romantic attraction.
  • Asexual (Ace): Commonly describes someone who experiences little to no sexual attraction.
  • Allosexual: Describes a person who experiences sexual attraction or is not on the asexual spectrum.
  • Aroace: An abbreviation of aromantic asexual, a term by which people who are aromantic and asexual describe themselves.
  • Aspec: An umbrella term for orientations based on conditional and no romantic and/or sexual attraction, that is aromantic and asexual spectra, abbreviated to a-spec.

* Source:

Can you please tell us when you first heard the term ‘Aromantic’ and how you felt it related to your own feelings and experience?

I first heard the term 14 years ago when I found my way into an online ace community and it was definitely a concept that made sense to me at the time. I didn't initially think I was aro. That was something I had to think about and how my interactions with people played out.

I eventually came to understand what aromanticism was and how I felt I fit under that label.

How does being aromantic relate to your gender identify, sexuality and sex?

I haven't really found being aro relate to much to my gender identity. I identify as asexual and there is a bit of a cross over there with regards to my sexuality. One thing I want to note is not all aromantic people are ace. There are plenty of allosexual people that are aromantic and they get underrepresented even within the aro community so it's always important to remind people that they exist and are just as valid as aroaces.

You also told us that you were the first to publicly use the micro label ‘Demiromantic’ – can you please clarify what this is and how it relates to you?

A demiromantic is someone that experiences romantic attraction to a degree only once they've gotten to know someone well enough to form an emotional bond. For a while I felt this related to me but later on after more exploring and thinking and considering it didn't quite fit so I preferred to use the broader term of Aro spec. These days I just use Aspec as it covers both my Aro and ace spectrums.

Do you think labels (and micro-labels) are helpful and important?

There's definitely a lot of micro labels kicking around and I feel that they are important to everyone that chooses to use them. It gives people a sense of belonging to something that for the most part is unknown to most people. I don't personally feel the need to infinitely micro label my identity but I will never hold anything against people that choose to do so.

How open to others are you about being Aromantic?

It's pretty much a need to know basis. I'm sure I give off enough "aro vibes" where if people were half educated they'd figure it out or assume.

It's obviously something I disclose to others within the community as it's always awesome to see other Aros kicking around. It's something I have, in the past, disclosed to friends especially of the opposite sex to reassure them that I'm being friendly but not necessarily after anything in return.

Friendships can be awesome and much more rewarding than romantic or otherwise relationships, I hate the idea of someone "catching feelings" and ruining what was there.

How do you connect with other Aromantic people in the Queer community?

There are plenty of aromantic related chat groups etc on facebook which are great. There's plenty of overlap within the ace community too. Most ace groups are, by default, going to be pretty inclusive to aro people.

I do enjoy sharing my shared experiences with other aro people, sometimes it's the discussion associated with a story and others it's over a good meme.

Here are the standard questions we ask all of our guests:

What other LGBTQI+ Events in Perth that we should look out for?

  • International Asexual Day (April 6, 2022) is coming up and we're hoping to do something this year again for Aussie Ace Week (October 24-30, 2022)

Are you involved in any other LGBTQI+ organisations or events in Perth? Tell us about them…

What do you think is great about the LGBTQ+ Community in Perth?

  • People are pretty accepting. It's always great when they include the A in the acronym (LGBTQIA+) it might only be a couple of letters extra but it gives us that feeling of being visible and accepted in the LGBTQ+ community as we're not accepted outside of the community as it is.

And what improvements would you like to see for the community here?

  • I'd love to see better education for people about Aromanticism as it's pretty low on the radar here.

What would you recommend for anyone new to Perth that they must see or do here?

  • I'm a mad fan of Asian Vegan food being part Asian and Vegan myself. My go to is Little Beans Gourmet (Canning Vale), Healthy Thai Vegan and Vegetarian (Vic Park) and Formosa Vegetarian Eating House (Kardinya). I've been meaning to try Nuthin Fyshy Fish and Chips but not had a chance to yet.
LGBTQIA+ Days of Significance 2022

LGBTQIA+ Days of Significance 2022

A calendar of important annual events, awareness, visibility and remembrance days for LGBTQIA+ people in Perth and Regional WA.

If you see any that should be on here or we've made any mistakes, don't hesitate to contact us.

(tbc) = To be confirmed

Jan 14 - Feb 13Fringe World Perth
Jan 23 - Feb 13Midsumma Festival – Melbourne
February 12TasPride Parade – Tasmania
February 13Melbourne Pride
Feb 18 - March 6Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Month
February 18-27Albany Pride Festival
Feb 19 - Mar 7Broome Mardi Gras
February 20-26Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week
MARCHBisexual Health Awareness Month
March 1Zero Discrimination Day
March 5Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade
March 8International Women’s Day
March 31Trans Day of Visibility
APRILSexual Assault Awareness Month
April 6International Asexuality Day
April 8Day of Silence (US)
Apr 25 - May 1Lesbian Visibility Week
April 26Lesbian Visibility Day
May 17IDAHOBIT (International Day Against Homophobia,
Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia)
May 19Agender Pride Day
May 24Pansexual & Panromantic Awareness Day
May 28LGBTI Domestic Violence Awareness Day
JUNELGBT Pride Month (US)
June 5HIV Long-Term Survivors Awareness Day
June 18Neurodiversity Pride Day
July 6Omnisexual Visibility Day
July 11-17Non-Binary Awareness Week
July 14Non-Binary People's Day
July 16Drag Day
August 14Gay Uncle Day
August 26Wear it Purple Day
September 14Sex Worker Pride Day
September 16-22 Bisexual Awareness Week
September 23 Celebrate Bisexuality Day
September 26-30Ally Week (tbc)
October 8Lesbian Day
October 11National Coming Out Day
October 17-24Genderfluid Visibility Week
October 19Pronouns Day
October 24-30Asexual Awareness Week
October 26Intersex Awareness Day
Oct 28 – Nov 27SpringOut Festival – Canberra (tbc)
NOVEMBERPrideFEST WA, Trans Awareness Month
November 5Transgender Parent Day
November 5Pride March Adelaide
November 5-6Goldfields Pride Festival (tbc)
November 8Intersex Day of Remembrance
November 13 PrideFEST Fair Day
November 13-19Trans Awareness Week
November 16-26PrideFEST Film Festival (tbc)
November 20Transgender Day of Remembrance
November 23Polyamory Day
November 26PrideFEST WA Parade
December 1World AIDS Day
December 8Pansexual Pride Day
December 9Anniversary of Marriage Equality
December 10Human Rights Day
Glamour! Wealth! Luxury!

Glamour! Wealth! Luxury!

Get ready for something expensive and beautifully strange: ODDPULENCE! We spoke to producer, Contra, about the wealth of riches the Perth Drag Scene has to offer.


Please tell us about what you’re up to at the moment?

At the moment I am studying a diploma of fashion at South Metro Tafe. While also balancing three other jobs that include being the new studio assistant for local brand Hoodedwept, working at Connections Nightclub and also a machinist at a car seat cover factory. It’s all very random and quite busy but that’s how I like it!

Then in between all that, with the work of the rest of the team, we host ODDBALL at Connections Nightclub! A event run for oddballs by oddballs!

The next instalment of Oddball is on Friday night… What’s it all about?

The next instalment for ODDBALL is ODDPULENCE! We're serving you GLAMOUR, WEALTH and LUXURY. Oddpulence is all about releasing the inner diva and living that luxurious lifestyle!

Whip out the jewels & furs and don’t be afraid to look EXPENSIVE!

How will the upcoming Oddball be different from the previous ones?

This will be our fifth ODDBALL which is very exciting! The visuals and performances of every oddball are what makes each oddball a unique experience. With each theme there is a different room dress to try and immerse the crowd into a new world each time. Paired with a line up of amazing performances to really showcase the creativeness of the local performers!

Oddpulence will be aesthetically different to previous oddballs. Giving the audience a chance to show off a more glamorous and expensive side to their creativeness, while still maintaining its supportive wholesome creative vibe.


Photo @stephenmilesstudio | Design @graygolden


Can you tell us about a moment during one of your recent events that made you feel really great?

I love the moments between the madness of running around and making sure everything is running well, where I just stop for a second and look into the crowd and see a room full of people that are just genuinely freely expressing themselves.

Everyone’s turning looks completely different to anyone else’s and they're all just feeding off each others creative energy which generates this amazing wholesome vibe unique to ODDBALL.

It’s that vibe and sense of community that makes all the work that goes into ODDBALL worth it.

The design and socials to promote Oddball are really great, do you create them yourself or who’s behind them?

Our first lot of graphics were made by @alexbowersau. A stunning graphic designer and friend. But due to other commitments he’s had to take a step back from ODDBALL and we now have @graygolden as our graphic designer for Oddpulence and future events.


RIGHT: Photo @stephenmilesstudio | Design @alexbowersau
RIGHT: Photo @stephenmilesstudio | Design @alexbowersau


Any other highlights or fun information you’d like to add?

We also have our Halloween event coming up! ODDBALL: Sinister!! So be sure to keep your eyes peeled for the promo after Oddpulence!

What other LGBTQI+ Events in Perth that we should look out for?

You should definitely look out for the next Live Work Pose fundraiser ball hosted and created by Serenity Von Varda! Not sure when the next one is planned to be but I’d definitely keep an eye out for it!!

Also currently there is Pop Royalty on every Thursday at Connections Nightclub for the next couple weeks. Pop Royalty is one of two annual drag competitions that Perth has and this years group has been blowing the audience away with their talent!!


Contra serving looks
Contra serving looks


What do you think is great about the LGBTQ+ Community in Perth?

I think the Perth LGBTQ+ community has so many hidden gems, that just need the chance to be nurtured to reach their full potential. Luckily Perth is filled with queer events and opportunities to help those people reach and discover themselves to the fullest.

Perth really has some of the best queer talent in Australia!

...and what improvements would you like to see for the community here?

I’d like to see more people going out to the clubs and not just casually going out. I mean GO ALL OUT!!

Wear that wig! Slap on that glitter! Turn those shopping bags into a camp look and wear it out!

We need to start having fun again when it comes to clubbing! That’s ones of the main reasons ODDBALL was created, to try and bring some life and excitement back into clubbing!!

What would you recommend for anyone new to Perth that they must see or do here?

Go check out Frag Factory at the court on Wednesday as well as Dragathon at Connections on Thursday.

Also if you’re wanting to get into the vogueing scene here in Perth then be sure to go check out Ballroom in Perth (@ballroom__) they host weekly workshops on Wednesdays.

Find out more:

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Connecting community

Connecting community

Scott-Patrick Mitchell’s love of poetry started as a teenager. “Language helped me connect to something deeper within myself, to the world beyond my own skin,” they say. “As I progressed in my writing, I’ve come to learn that the human spirit is a wild yet bright and courageous ecology, full of love, grief and wonder. Poetry helps me travel this landscape with compassion and care.”

We spoke to Scott-Patrick Mitchell about OUTspoken and how the community connects through poetry.

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Into the West

Into the West

Before Spectacles Productions, Liberty Genre says, Drag and Burlesque Performers in Perth had never had a space to really showcase their more alternative, abstract and authentic selves: a performance night where the music didn't have to be Top 40 or follow common trends in costume and dance, where you performed to the songs you wished to perform and in the way that they want to perform it.

Liberty, the Producer, Curator and "Fellow Drag Slapper" of Spectacles Productions tells us about her upcoming variety cabaret and the drag, burlesque and performance scene in Perth.

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