Lesbian Visibility Week: Lexie

Lexie, 34, is a sexuality educator, counsellor, LGBTQIA+ and sexuality/disability training facilitator, “professional shit talker” (Emcee), musician, and pro-Domme.
Queer Perth spoke to Lexie about performing at Fringe World, being out and proud, lesbian visibility and much more.

Are you open about your sexuality to the world?

I can’t not be! I literally have to come out to people for work every day and train them on LGBTIQA+ inclusivity. I’m very lucky to have a very supportive family and very queer workplaces. When I was teaching it was a little bit of a different story, but I knew I wouldn’t last in a career where I couldn’t be 100% myself.

Do you think telling people you're gay is easier now than when you first came out?

There is so much more language around sexuality now, and I think younger people are becoming a lot more comfortable with fluidity in their identities. Maybe I’m just lucky to be surrounded with woke folk, but I’ve found there’s a bit less fetishism towards lesbians than there was when I first came out.

Lesbian Visibility Day is coming up. Do you think Visibility is important?

Visibility is so important! Visibility builds community, fosters solidarity, allows for conversations, validates identity, and provides role models for those who need them. There’s a lot of diversity within the label of “lesbian” and there’s no “one way” to be a lesbian.

Smash those stereotypes and be whatever type of lesbian you want to be!

We were lucky enough to see you perform in BurLEZque at Perth Fringe World – you’re part was so fun and informative! Please tell us about that, also, what's next?

Yes! All of the writing in BurLEZque is my own, and I’m super proud to be able to perform it in front of our wonderful Fringe crowds. As a troupe we want to entertain and educate; I come from a sexuality and diversity education background so it’s fun to weave it into my love for performing. People learn better when they are laughing and engaged.

We haven’t planned any tours for obvious reasons and we are all pretty busy in our individual lives and careers. We always get so inspired and energised by our shows at Fringe, so we always keep plans in the pipelines! There are a few ideas floating around for next year, you’ll just have to wait and see.

We’ve taken a little break after our fringe season, but we’ll be doing a couple of regional shows this year - for those down south, catch us at Busselton Fringe in May!

Ginger LaMinge wearing a red velvet jacket and performing on stage with red lighting and an outrageous expression.

Here are the standard questions we ask all of our guests:

What LGBTQIA+ Events in Perth should we look out for?

I’m a big fan of Cleo’s Big Gay Cabaret, and I love getting out to see independent queer theatre/film/music/cabaret. Go and see any show by Justin Sider, you’ll be tickled in all the right places. And maybe our beloved Anna Piper Scott will come back from Melbourne and treat us to another show sometime - if that happens, don’t miss it! Drag Queen Story time at Rabble Books in Maylands (Gaylands) is also a very wholesome time.

Are you involved in any other LGBTQIA+ organisations or events in Perth?

Apart from galavanting around spreading the Gay Agenda in BurLEZque, I’ve done a lot of work with Living Proud, and some volunteering at the Freedom Centre and Qlife - amazing organisations! I’ve been an active part of Bunbury Pride for the last couple of years too, it’s great to see more events happening regionally!

What do you think is great about the LGBTQIA+ Community in Perth?

I love that the queers are infiltrating a lot of other spaces now, not just ‘da clubz’. It’s nice to see some more community/social events and LGBTIQA+ awareness in the mainstream.

And what improvements would you like to see for the community here?

I would like there to be a queer French bulldog owners meetup that I can crash, and just lie on the grass doing snow angels (grass angels!?) while a bunch of happy fluff nuggets put their snoots on me. Can we make that happen? I’ll also accept small kittens.

What would you recommend for anyone new to Perth to see or do here?

Sunset fish n chips at South Beach in Freo, boozy bubble tea at Lucky Chans, Riverside Gardens dog park in Bayswater on the weekends, rooftop cinema, the jazz cellar… Perth has some cool little nooks!

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