Naked Yoga with Eric

Naked Yoga with Eric

Naked Yoga with Eric Cover image
Every time I attend a Gay Men's Yoga class with Jason Pachol, someone asks about naked yoga. Well, finally, Eric Schwarz is here to take up the mantle!

Eric Schwarz, 35, arrived in Perth from Washington DC, five years ago. From a young age he had been fascinated with Australia. He remembers being so excited when Sabrina the Teenage Witch visited Australia, when Oprah visited Australia, when The Simpsons visited Australia – so when he was backpacking in India and ended up at an ashram in the foothills of the Himalayas with a bunch of yogis from Western Australia, he was completely gagged!

Eric says, “We hit it off, and they invited me to come live and work in Australia. The offer wasn’t right for me at the time, but a few years later I needed a major shakeup, and it suddenly made sense. What turned into a 3 month working holiday is approaching 5 incredible years.”

We spoke with Eric about his love of yoga, his love of Perth and his love of getting naked!

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