04 – PrEP, STIs and M Clinic

Show Notes:

In this episode, Oddy tells you about a fun little event he went to that involves butts and then gets vulnerable and talks about body issues.

M Clinic Coordinator Tyron Atter joins in to talk STIs, workshops and Backyard Survivor!

Your community questions include queer venues, feeling anxious about sex and how to come out to a religious family.

M Clinic: www.mclinic.org.au

The Rock Wallabies: facebook.com/rockwallabies
Backyard Survivor: youtube.com/c/backyardsurvivor

“STIs... they're really just like catching a cold. You wouldn’t be really rude if someone gave you a cold...” Tyrone Atter, Clinic Coordinator, M Clinic

Quote: “The range of sports & community groups are such a huge positive for Perth.”  Tyrone Atter, Clinic Coordinator, M Clinic

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