Show Notes:
Clint and Oddy welcome DJ Hello Sailor himself, Shaun Sandon and since they all worked together in the distant past, talk about coming out in the workplace. Shaun tells us all about Huntley Social and his up-coming event, CODE: BLACK.
- Article: Out at Work: From Prejudice to Pride | Diversity Council Australia (
- Huntley Social: |
- Shaun Sandon: |
- Tickets: CODE: BLACK
Queer Perth with Oddy and Clint – Shining a light on LGBTQIA+ community groups, events and what’s happening in Boorloo. Proudly recorded on Whadjuk Noongar Budja and we pay our respect to elders past and present.
Queer Perth is part of the Queer Perth Network.
- Hosts: Ian Odlum and Clint Woolly
- Producer: Scott Cain
- Music: Celebration by Scott Holmes Music is licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 | International License.